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Quickstart Guide

This guide will walk you through staking xBZZ and participating in the redistribution game to earn storage incentives.

Step 1: Fund Your Node with xDAI

Your node needs xDAI to pay for transaction fees on Gnosis Chain.

Run this command to check how much is required:

curl localhost:1633/redistributionstate | jq

Look at the "minimumGasFunds" field in the response.


Recommended: Deposit at least 0.5 xDAI to cover fees for the next few weeks/months of active staking.

Step 2: Stake 10 xBZZ (or More)

Once your node has xDAI, stake at least 10 xBZZ (this is non-refundable).

curl -X POST localhost:1633/stake/100000000000000000

Confirm the staking transaction was successful using GET /stake:

curl localhost:1633/stake

Optional: Stake 20 xBZZ if using the reserve doubling feature.

Step 3: Sync Your Node & Check Status

In addition to meeting the 10 xBZZ minimum stake requirements, your node must be fully synced and funded with xDAI to participate in staking. Check your node's status with GET /redistributionstate:

curl -X GET http://localhost:1633/redistributionstate | jq

Example output:

"minimumGasFunds": "11080889201250000",
"hasSufficientFunds": true,
"isFrozen": false,
"isFullySynced": true,
"phase": "claim",
"round": 212859,
"lastWonRound": 207391,
"lastPlayedRound": 210941,
"lastFrozenRound": 210942,
"lastSelectedRound": 212553,
"lastSampleDuration": 491687776653,
"block": 32354719,
"reward": "1804537795127017472",
"fees": "592679945236926714",
"isHealthy": true

Expected values for a healthy staking node:

  • "isFullySynced": true
  • "hasSufficientFunds": true
  • "isFrozen": false

Step 4: Monitor & Maximize Rewards

✅ Use a stable Gnosis Chain RPC endpoint
Check /redistributionstate to ensure isFullySynced and hasSufficientFunds are consistently true, and isFrozen is false.
Check /rchash to ensure your node's performance is sufficient

Next Steps

  • 🛠 Troubleshooting? See the Troubleshooting Guide.

  • 💰 Want to maximize earnings? Read Maximizing Rewards.

  • 📖 Want to learn more? Just continue reading through the rest of this page for an in-depth exploration of staking on Swarm.

Staking Overview

To earn storage incentives by participating in the redistribution game, full nodes must first deposit a minimum of 10 xBZZ as non-refundable stake. xDAI is also required to pay for ongoing Gnosis Chain transactions related to the redistribution game.


Only stake your xBZZ if you intend to participate as a full node, as withdrawals are not possible.

In order to participate in the redistribution game for a chance to earn xBZZ, full nodes need to do the following:

  • Fully sync all chunks they are responsible for and maintain a healthy connection with their peers in order to get all the newest uploaded chunks
  • Maintain a high-performance RPC endpoint connection to Gnosis Chain to sync blockchain data and issue all redistribution game-related transactions on-chain.
  • Deposit stake with the staking contract. The current minimum staking requirement is 10 xBZZ (the requirement is increased if reserve doubling is used).
  • Have the disk space to store all the chunks they are responsible for storing and sufficient CPU / RAM (you can benchmark your node with the /rchash endpoint) to generate a hash of a sampling of those chunks fast enough to participate in the redistribution game.

Add xDAI

Before staking, a node must first be funded with a small amount of xDAI to pay for Gnosis Chain transaction fees.

You can check exactly how much xDAI is required to get started with staking from the /redistributionstate endpoint:

root@user-bee:~#  curl localhost:1633/redistributionstate | jq
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 304 100 304 0 0 15258 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 16000
"minimumGasFunds": "3750000030000000",
"hasSufficientFunds": true,
"isFrozen": false,
"isFullySynced": false,
"phase": "reveal",
"round": 253280,
"lastWonRound": 0,
"lastPlayedRound": 0,
"lastFrozenRound": 0,
"lastSelectedRound": 0,
"lastSampleDurationSeconds": 0,
"block": 38498620,
"reward": "0",
"fees": "0",
"isHealthy": true

The "3750000030000000" value listed for "minimumGasFunds" is the minimum required amount of xDAI denominated in Wei (1xDAI=1018 Wei1 \text{xDAI} = 10^{18} \text{ Wei}) required for staking. That is equivalent to 0.00375000003 xDAI. However, it's recommended to add more than just the minimum amount, since it will quickly be used up by storage incentives related transaction fees. As little as 0.5 xDAI should last for weeks or even months, as the average incentive-related transaction fee can be as low as 0.001 xDAI or less.

Add stake

Once your node has xDAI to pay for transaction fees, you can use the POST /stake endpoint to add the initial required minimum 10 xBZZ stake. The amount is denominated in PLUR, the smallest denomination of xBZZ:

curl -X POST localhost:1633/stake/100000000000000000

If the command executed successfully it returns a transaction hash that you can use to verify on a block explorer such as GnosisScan.

It is possible to deposit more by repeatedly using the command above.

You can also check the amount staked with a GET /stake request:

curl localhost:1633/stake

Check redistribution status

Use the /redistributionstate endpoint of the API to get more information about the redistribution status of the node.

curl -X GET http://localhost:1633/redistributionstate | jq
"minimumFunds": "18750000000000000",
"hasSufficientFunds": true,
"isFrozen": false,
"isFullySynced": true,
"phase": "commit",
"round": 176319,
"lastWonRound": 176024,
"lastPlayedRound": 176182,
"lastFrozenRound": 0,
"block": 26800488,
"reward": "10479124611072000",
"fees": "30166618102500000"
  • "minimumFunds": <integer> - The minimum xDAI needed to play a single round of the redistribution game (the unit is 1e-18 xDAI).
  • "hasSufficientFunds": <bool> - Shows whether the node has enough xDAI balance to submit at least five storage incentives redistribution related transactions. If false the node will not be permitted to participate in next round.
  • "isFrozen": <bool> - Shows node frozen status.
  • "isFullySynced": <bool> - Shows whether node's localstore has completed full historical syncing with all connected peers.
  • "phase": <string> - Current phase of redistribution game (commit, reveal, or claim).
  • "round": <integer> - Current round of redistribution game. The round number is determined by dividing the current Gnosis Chain block height by the number of blocks in one round. One round takes 152 blocks, so using the "block" output from the example above we can confirm that the round number is 176319 (block 26800488 / 152 blocks = round 176319).
  • "lastWonRound": <integer> - Number of round last won by this node.
  • "lastPlayedRound": <integer> - Number of the last round where node's neighborhood was selected to participate in redistribution game.
  • "lastFrozenRound": <integer> The number the round when node was last frozen.
  • "block": <integer> - Gnosis block of the current redistribution game.
  • "reward": <string (BigInt)> - Record of total reward received in PLUR.
  • "fees": <string (BigInt)> - Record of total spent in 1E-18 xDAI on all redistribution related transactions.

Do not shut down or update your node during an active redistribution round as it may cause them to lose out on winnings or become frozen. To see if your node is playing the current round, check if lastPlayedRound equals round in the output from the /redistributionstate endpoint.


If your node is not operating properly such as getting frozen or not participating in any rounds, see the troubleshooting section.

Partial Stake Withdrawals

If the price of xBZZ rises significantly and provides excess collateral, a partial withdrawal will be allowed down to the minimum required stake:

Check for withdrawable stake

curl http://localhost:1633/stake/withdrawable | jq

If there is any stake available for withdrawal, the amount will be displayed in PLUR:

"withdrawableStake": "18411"

Withdraw available stake

If there is any stake available for withdrawal, you can withdraw it using the DELETE method on /stake/withdrawable:

curl -X DELETE http://localhost:1633/stake/withdrawable

Reserve Doubling

The reserve doubling feature enables nodes to store chunks from a neighboring "sister" area, effectively increasing their reserve capacity twofold. By maintaining chunks from this sister neighborhood, a node becomes eligible to join the redistribution game whenever the sister neighborhood is chosen, effectively doubling its chances of participating.

Although reserve doubling demands twice the disk storage and increases bandwidth usage for chunk syncing (with no additional bandwidth needed for chunk forwarding), its effect on CPU and RAM consumption remains minimal. This feature provides node operators with greater flexibility to optimize their nodes, aiming to achieve a higher reward-to-resource usage ratio.

Step by Step Guide

In order to double a node's reserve which has previously been operating without doubling, the reserve-capacity-doubling option must be updated from the default of 0 to 1 and restarted. There is also an increase in the xBZZ stake requirement from the minimum of 10 xBZZ to 20 xBZZ.

Step 1: Stake at least 20 xBZZ

For doubling the reserve of a node which was previously operating which already has 10 xBZZ staked, simply stake an additional 10 xBZZ for a total of 20 xBZZ stake:


As always, ensure you properly convert the stake parameter to PLUR, where 1 PLUR equals 1e-16 xBZZ.

curl -X POST localhost:1633/stake/100000000000000000

Or for a new node with zero staked xBZZ, the entire 20 xBZZ can be staked at once:

curl -X POST localhost:1633/stake/200000000000000000

We can use the GET /stake endpoint to confirm the total stake for our node:

curl -s  http://localhost:1633/stake | jq
"stakedAmount": "200000000000000000"

Step 2: Set reserve-capacity-doubling to 1.

The reserve doubling feature can be enabled by setting the new reserve-capacity-doubling config option to 1 using the configuration method of your choice.

Step 3: Restart node

After ensuring the node has at least 20 xBZZ staked and the reserve-capacity-doubling option has been set to 1, restart the node.

After restarting your node, it should then begin syncing chunks from its sister neighborhood.

The /status/neighborhoods endpoint can be used to confirm that the node has doubled its reserve and is now syncing with its sister neighborhood:

"neighborhoods": [
"neighborhood": "01111101011",
"reserveSizeWithinRadius": 1148351,
"proximity": 10
"neighborhood": "01111101010",
"reserveSizeWithinRadius": 1147423,
"proximity": 11

The output should list both your original and sister neighborhood.

We can also check the /status endpoint to confirm our node is syncing new chunks:

curl -s  http://localhost:1633/status | jq
"overlay": "be177e61b13b1caa20690311a909bd674a3c1ef5f00d60414f261856a8ad5c30",
"proximity": 256,
"beeMode": "full",
"reserveSize": 4192792,
"reserveSizeWithinRadius": 2295023,
"pullsyncRate": 1.3033333333333332,
"storageRadius": 10,
"connectedPeers": 18,
"neighborhoodSize": 1,
"batchCommitment": 388104192,
"isReachable": true,
"lastSyncedBlock": 6982430

We can see that the pullsyncRate value is above zero, meaning that our node is currently syncing chunks, as expected.

Reserve Doubling Reversing & Withdrawable Stake

Due to certain implementation details, the order in which a node's reserve is doubled and then reversed can have an impact on the amount of withdrawable stake.

When doubling a node's reserve, stake should be added AFTER setting reserve-capacity-doubling to 1. If instead, xBZZ is first staked with reserve-capacity-doubling set to 0, and the reserve is then doubled by increasing from 0 to 1 without the addition of more stake, this will prevent stake from being withdrawable when the doubling is reversed.

In order to maximize the amount of withdrawable stake after reversing a reserve doubling, follow the step from the previous section in the exact order described when doubling.

How to free up withdrawable stake from a node with >= 20 xBZZ stake that currently has zero withdrawable stake:

In the case that a node with 20 xBZZ stake was doubled directly by increasing reserve-capacity-doubling from 0 to 1, the surplus xBZZ over the minimum required 10 xBZZ cannot be made withdrawable by simply reversing the reserve-capacity-doubling from 1 back to 0.

In this case, you will need to first send a minimal staking transaction of 1 PLUR while reserve-capacity-doubling is set to 1, and after that, change reserve-capacity-doubling from 1 to 0. This works because every time any amount of stake is added, it forces to staking contract to redo its calculations.

The detailed steps are:

  1. Issue a staking transaction for 1 PLUR while reserve-capacity-doubling is set to 1.
    curl -X POST localhost:1633/stake/1
  2. Stop node and set reserve-capacity-doubling to 0.
  3. Restart node. The 10 xBZZ should now be withdrawable.

Maximize rewards

There are two main factors which determine the chances for a staking node to win a reward — neighborhood selection and stake density. Both of these should be considered together before starting up a Bee node for the first time. See the incentives page for more context.

Neighborhood selection

By default when running a Bee node for the first time the node will use the neighborhood suggestion tool from Swarmscan to find an optimal neighborhood. While it is possible to manually choose a neighborhood using the target-neighborhood config option, we recommend not to do so as the suggestion tool will pick neighborhoods in order to maximize node earnings and network health. Learn more.

Stake density

Stake density is defined as:

stake density=staked xBZZ×2storageDepth\text{stake density} = \text{staked xBZZ} \times {2}^\text{storageDepth}

To learn more about stake density and the mechanics of the incentives system, see the incentives page.

Stake density determines the weighted chances of nodes within a neighborhood of winning rewards. The chance of winning within a neighborhood corresponds to stake density. Stake density can be increased by depositing more xBZZ as stake (note that stake withdrawals are not currently possible, so any staked xBZZ is not currently recoverable).

Generally speaking, the minimum required stake of 10 xBZZ is sufficient, and rewards can be better maximized by operating more nodes over a greater range of neighborhoods rather than increasing stake. However this may not be true for all node operators depending on how many different neighborhoods they operate nodes in, and it also may change as network dynamics continue to evolve (join the #node-operators Discord channel to stay up to date with the latest discussions about staking and network dynamics).

Neighborhood Hopping


There is a 2 round delay (with 152 Gnosis Chain blocks per redistribution game round) every time a node's neighborhood or stake is changed before it can participate in the redistribution game, moreover a node must fully sync the chunks from its new neighborhood before it can participate in the redistribution game, so hopping too frequently is not advised.

You can use the config option target-neighborhood to switch your node over to a new neighborhood. You may wish to use this option if your node's neighborhood becomes overpopulated.

Checking neighborhood population

For a quick check of your node's neighborhood population, we can use the /status endpoint:

curl -s http://localhost:1633/status | jq
"peer": "e7b5c1aac67693268fdec98d097a8ccee1aabcf58e26c4512ea888256d0e6dff",
"proximity": 0,
"beeMode": "full",
"reserveSize": 1055543,
"reserveSizeWithinRadius": 1039749,
"pullsyncRate": 42.67013868148148,
"storageRadius": 11,
"connectedPeers": 140,
"neighborhoodSize": 6,
"batchCommitment": 74463051776,
"isReachable": false

Here we can see that at the current storageRadius of 11, our node is in a neighborhood with size 6 from the neighborhoodSize value.

Using the Swarmscan neighborhoods tool we can see there are many neighborhoods with fewer nodes, so it would benefit us to move to less populated neighborhood:

While you might be tempted to simply pick one of these less populated neighborhoods, it is best practice to use the neighborhood suggester API instead, since it will help to prevent too many node operators rapidly moving to the same underpopulated neighborhoods, and also since the suggester takes a look at the next depth down to make sure that even in case of a neighborhood split, your node will end up in the smaller neighborhood.

curl -s

Copy the binary number returned from the API:


Use the binary number you just copied and set it as a string value for the target-neighborhood option in your config.

## bee.yaml
target-neighborhood: "01100011110"


In this section we cover several commonly seen issues encountered for staking nodes participating in the redistribution game. If you don't see your issue covered here or require additional guidance, check out the #node-operators Discord channel where you will find support from other node operators and community members.

Frozen node

A node will be frozen when the reserve commitment hash it submits in its commit transaction does not match the correct hash. The reserve commitment hash is used as proof that a node is storing the chunks it is responsible for. It will not be able to play in the redistribution game during the freezing period. See the penalties section for more information.

Check frozen status

You can check your node's frozen status using the /redistributionstate endpoint:

curl -X GET http://localhost:1633/redistributionstate | jq
"minimumFunds": "18750000000000000",
"hasSufficientFunds": true,
"isFrozen": false,
"isFullySynced": true,
"phase": "commit",
"round": 176319,
"lastWonRound": 176024,
"lastPlayedRound": 176182,
"lastFrozenRound": 0,
"block": 26800488,
"reward": "10479124611072000",
"fees": "30166618102500000"

The relevant fields here are isFrozen and lastFrozenRound, which respectively indicate whether the node is currently frozen and the last round in which the node was frozen.

Diagnosing freezing issues

In order to diagnose the cause of freezing issues we must compare our own node's status to that of other nodes within the same neighborhood by comparing the results from our own node returned from the /status endpoint to the other nodes in the same neighborhood which can be found from the /status/peers endpoint.

First we check our own node's status:

 curl -s localhost:1633/status | jq
"peer": "da7e5cc3ed9a46b6e7491d3bf738535d98112641380cbed2e9ddfe4cf4fc01c4",
"proximity": 0,
"beeMode": "full",
"reserveSize": 3747532,
"pullsyncRate": 0,
"storageRadius": 10,
"connectedPeers": 183,
"neighborhoodSize": 12,
"batchCommitment": 133828050944,
"isReachable": true

And next we will find the status for all the other nodes in the same neighborhood as our own.

 curl -s  localhost:1633/status/peers | jq

The /status/peers endpoint returns all the peers of our node, but we are only concerned with peers in the same neighborhood as our own node. Nodes whose proximity value is equal to or greater than our own node's storageRadius value all fall into the same neighborhood as our node, so the rest have been omitted in the example output below:

"peer": "da33f7a504a74094242d3e542475b49847d1d0f375e0c86bac1c9d7f0937acc0",
"proximity": 9,
"beeMode": "full",
"reserveSize": 3782924,
"pullsyncRate": 0,
"storageRadius": 10,
"connectedPeers": 188,
"neighborhoodSize": 11,
"batchCommitment": 133828050944,
"isReachable": true
"peer": "da4b529cc1aedc62e31849cf7f8ab8c1866d9d86038b857d6cf2f590604387fe",
"proximity": 10,
"beeMode": "full",
"reserveSize": 3719593,
"pullsyncRate": 0,
"storageRadius": 10,
"connectedPeers": 176,
"neighborhoodSize": 11,
"batchCommitment": 133828050944,
"isReachable": true
"peer": "da5d39a5508fadf66c8665d5e51617f0e9e5fd501e429c38471b861f104c1504",
"proximity": 10,
"beeMode": "full",
"reserveSize": 3777241,
"pullsyncRate": 0,
"storageRadius": 10,
"connectedPeers": 198,
"neighborhoodSize": 12,
"batchCommitment": 133828050944,
"isReachable": true
"peer": "da4cb0d125bba638def55c0061b00d7c01ed4033fa193d6e53a67183c5488d73",
"proximity": 10,
"beeMode": "full",
"reserveSize": 3849125,
"pullsyncRate": 0,
"storageRadius": 10,
"connectedPeers": 181,
"neighborhoodSize": 13,
"batchCommitment": 133828050944,
"isReachable": true
"peer": "da4b1cd5d15e061fdd474003b5602ab1cff939b4b9e30d60f8ff693141ede810",
"proximity": 10,
"beeMode": "full",
"reserveSize": 3778452,
"pullsyncRate": 0,
"storageRadius": 10,
"connectedPeers": 183,
"neighborhoodSize": 12,
"batchCommitment": 133827002368,
"isReachable": true
"peer": "da49e6c6174e3410edad2e0f05d704bbc33e9996bc0ead310d55372677316593",
"proximity": 10,
"beeMode": "full",
"reserveSize": 3779560,
"pullsyncRate": 0,
"storageRadius": 10,
"connectedPeers": 185,
"neighborhoodSize": 12,
"batchCommitment": 133828050944,
"isReachable": true
"peer": "da4cdab480f323d5791d3ab8d22d99147f110841e44a8991a169f0ab1f47d8e5",
"proximity": 10,
"beeMode": "full",
"reserveSize": 3778518,
"pullsyncRate": 0,
"storageRadius": 10,
"connectedPeers": 189,
"neighborhoodSize": 11,
"batchCommitment": 133828050944,
"isReachable": true
"peer": "da4ccec79bc34b502c802415b0008c4cee161faf3cee0f572bb019b117c89b2f",
"proximity": 10,
"beeMode": "full",
"reserveSize": 3779003,
"pullsyncRate": 0,
"storageRadius": 10,
"connectedPeers": 179,
"neighborhoodSize": 10,
"batchCommitment": 133828050944,
"isReachable": true
"peer": "da69d412b79358f84b7928d2f6b7ccdaf165a21313608e16edd317a5355ba250",
"proximity": 11,
"beeMode": "full",
"reserveSize": 3712586,
"pullsyncRate": 0,
"storageRadius": 10,
"connectedPeers": 189,
"neighborhoodSize": 12,
"batchCommitment": 133827002368,
"isReachable": true
"peer": "da61967b1bd614a69e5e83f73cc98a63a70ebe20454ca9aafea6b57493e00a34",
"proximity": 11,
"beeMode": "full",
"reserveSize": 3780190,
"pullsyncRate": 0,
"storageRadius": 10,
"connectedPeers": 182,
"neighborhoodSize": 13,
"batchCommitment": 133828050944,
"isReachable": true
"peer": "da7b6a268637cfd6799a9923129347fc3d564496ea79aea119e89c09c5d9efed",
"proximity": 13,
"beeMode": "full",
"reserveSize": 3721494,
"pullsyncRate": 0,
"storageRadius": 10,
"connectedPeers": 188,
"neighborhoodSize": 14,
"batchCommitment": 133828050944,
"isReachable": true
"peer": "da7a974149543df1b459831286b42b302f22393a20e9b3dd9a7bb5a7aa5af263",
"proximity": 13,
"beeMode": "full",
"reserveSize": 3852986,
"pullsyncRate": 0,
"storageRadius": 10,
"connectedPeers": 186,
"neighborhoodSize": 12,
"batchCommitment": 133828050944,
"isReachable": true

Now that we have the status for our own node and all its neighborhood peers we can begin to diagnose the issue through a series of checks outlined below:


If you are able to identify and fix a problem with your node from the checklist below, it's possible that your node's reserve has become corrupted. Therefore, after fixing the problem, stop your node, and repair your node according to the instructions in the section following the checklist.

  1. Compare reserveSize with peers

    The reserveSize value is the number of chunks stored by a node in its reserve. The value for reserveSize for a healthy node should be around +/- 1% the size of most other nodes in the neighborhood. In our example, for our node's reserveSize of 3747532, it falls within that normal range. This does not guarantee our node has no missing or corrupted chunks, but it does indicate that it is generally storing the same chunks as its neighbors. If it falls outside this range, see the next section for instructions on repairing reserves.

  2. Compare batchCommitment with peers

    The batchCommitment value shows how many chunks would be stored if all postage batches were fully utilised. It also represents whether the node has fully synced postage batch data from on-chain. If your node's batchCommitment value falls below that of its peers in the same neighborhood, it could indicate an issue with your blockchain RPC endpoint that is preventing it from properly syncing on-chain data. If you are running your own node, check your setup to make sure it is functioning properly, or check with your provider if you are using a 3rd party service for your RPC endpoint.

  3. Check pullsyncRate

    The pullsyncRate value measures the speed at which a node is syncing chunks from its peers. Once a node is fully synced, pullsyncRate should go to zero. If pullsyncRate is above zero it indicates that your node is still syncing chunks, so you should wait until it goes to zero before doing any other checks. If pullsyncRate is at zero but your node's reserveSize does not match its peers, you should check whether your network connection and RPC endpoint are stable and functioning properly. A node should be fully synced after several hours at most.

  4. Check most recent block number

    The block value returned from the /redistributionstate endpoint shows the most recent block a node has synced. If this number is far behind the actual more recent block then it indicates an issue with your RPC endpoint or network. If you are running your own node, check your setup to make sure it is functioning properly, or check with your provider if you are using a 3rd party service for your RPC endpoint.

    curl -X GET http://localhost:1633/redistributionstate | jq
    "minimumFunds": "18750000000000000",
    "hasSufficientFunds": true,
    "isFrozen": false,
    "isFullySynced": true,
    "phase": "commit",
    "round": 176319,
    "lastWonRound": 176024,
    "lastPlayedRound": 176182,
    "lastFrozenRound": 0,
    "block": 26800488,
    "reward": "10479124611072000",
    "fees": "30166618102500000"
  5. Check peer connectivity

    Compare the value of your node's neighborhoodSize from the /status endpoint and the neighborhoodSize of its peers in the same neighborhood from the /status/peers endpoint. The figure should be generally the same (although it may fluctuate slightly up or down at any one point in time). If your node's neighborhoodSize value is significantly different and remains so over time then your node likely has a connectivity problem. Make sure to check your network environment to ensure your node is able to communicate with the network.

If no problems are identified during these checks it likely indicates that your node was frozen in error and there are no additional steps you need to take.

Repairing corrupt reserve

If you have identified and fixed a problem causing your node to become frozen or have other reason to believe that your node's reserves are corrupted then you should repair your node's reserve using the db repair-reserve command.

First stop your node, and then run the following command:


Make sure to replace /home/bee/.bee with your node’s data directory if it differs from the one shown in the example. Make sure that the directory you specify is the root directory for your node’s data files, not the localstore directory itself. This is the same directory specified using the data-dir option in your node’s configuration.

bee db repair-reserve --data-dir=/home/bee/.bee

After the command has finished running, you may restart your node.

Node occupies unusually large space on disk

During normal operation of a Bee node, it should not take up more than ~30 GB of disk space. In the rare cases when the node's occupied disk space grows larger, you may need to use the compaction db compact command.


To prevent any data loss, operators should run the compaction on a copy of the localstore directory and, if successful, replace the original localstore with the compacted copy.

The command is available as a sub-command under db as such (make sure to replace the value for --data-dir with the correct path to your bee node's data folder if it differs from the path shown in the example):

bee db compact --data-dir=/home/bee/.bee

Node not participating in redistribution

First check that the node is fully synced, is not frozen, and has sufficient funds to participate in staking. To check node sync status, call the redistributionstate endpoint:

curl -X GET http://localhost:1633/redistributionstate | jq


"minimumFunds": "18750000000000000",
"hasSufficientFunds": true,
"isFrozen": false,
"isFullySynced": true,
"phase": "commit",
"round": 176319,
"lastWonRound": 176024,
"lastPlayedRound": 176182,
"lastFrozenRound": 0,
"block": 26800488,
"reward": "10479124611072000",
"fees": "30166618102500000"

Confirm that hasSufficientFunds is true, and isFullySynced is true before moving to the next step. If hasSufficientFunds is false, make sure to add at least the amount of xDAI shown in minimumFunds (unit of 1e-18 xDAI). If the node was recently installed and isFullySynced is false, wait for the node to fully sync before continuing. After confirming the node's status, continue to the next step.

Run sampler process to benchmark performance

One of the most common issues affecting staking is the sampler process failing. The sampler is a resource intensive process which is run by nodes which are selected to take part in redistribution. The process may fail or time out if the node's hardware specifications aren't high enough. To check a node's performance the /rchash/{depth}/{anchor_01}/{anchor_02} endpoint of the API may be used. The anchor_01 and anchor_02 must be a hex string with an even number of digits. For simplicity, you can just use aaaa for both anchors as we do in the example further down.

The {anchor} value can be set to any random hexadecimal string, while {depth} should be set to the current depth.

To get the current depth, call the /reservestate endpoint

sudo curl -sX GET http://localhost:1633/reservestate | jq

Copy the storageRadius value from the output (this represents the ACTUAL depth for your node, in other words, the depth to which your node is responsible for storing files. The radius value is the hypothetical depth your node would be at if every postage batch was fully utilised.)

"radius": 15,
"storageRadius": 10,
"commitment": 128332464128

Call the endpoint like so:

sudo curl -sX GET http://localhost:1633/rchash/10/aaaa/aaaa | jq

If the sampler runs successfully, you should see output like this:

"Sample": {
"Items": [
"Hash": "7f7d93c6235855fedc34e32c6b67253e27910ca4e3b8f2d942efcd758a6d8829"
"Time": "2m54.087909745s"

If the Time value is higher than 6 minutes, then the hardware specifications for the node may need to be upgraded.

If there is an evictions related error such as the one below, try running the call to the /rchash/ endpoint again.

error: "level"="error" "logger"="node/storageincentives" "msg"="make sample" "error"="sampler: failed creating sample: sampler stopped due to ongoing evictions"

While evictions are a normal part of Bee's standard operation, the event of an eviction will interrupt the sampler process.

If you are still experiencing problems, you can find more help in the node-operators Discord channel (for your safety, do not accept advice from anyone sending a private message on Discord).